Integrated Business Solutions

For Your Business

The 21st century is already here. Technology moves fast and you don’t want to stay behind!

Located in Hollywood Florida, our company's mission is to improve

Your Business services and accessibility

We can help you market your business with the latest marketing tools. We can create your e-Business card (website) and improve your payment system with Merchant services. We can assist when planning to sell or buy business, and offer business-consulting services in the setup of your (new) business, or to improve your current one.

What Are You Waiting For?


Web Design

We will create a website for you that will put your business in a different level of exposure.
Our team is dedicated to create a simple yet well presented website that will move your business forward.

Your ebusiness Card

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Make your business more visible


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Choose a template that is specific to your business needs


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Our team will help you make changes

Hosting and Domain

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We offer web hosting and domain purchases, Click to see offers

Merchant Services

As an official agent of SPS (Stellar Payment System), our company is certain to help you with great merchant services:

We are an official Stellar Payment System agent providing superior service to our customer for many years.
As new merchant customer, you will have 24/7 technical support as we want to assure you of seamless service.

“Stellar Payment Systems processes every type of electronic payment method-credit, debit, electronic benefits transfer and electronic checks.
Stellar Payment Systems offers popular point-of-sale hardware, software for brick-and-mortar, e-Commerce payment acceptance and operates multiple Secure Payment Gateways, one of which will easily be suited for your use“.

For merchant services:
    email: For 24/7 new customers technical support call: 1-800-676-4030

Services offered:

What They Say About Us?

Business and Marketing Consulting

What is business consulting?

"Business consulting is about being able to look at a problem and opportunity in a non-static way and see it dynamically. It is to analyze in an integrative way;to understand how the problem or the opportunity, the challange or the issue, interrelates with other factors and to be able to, form experience, counil, advise, and direct the business owner to take better actions and make better decisions that will produce a greater outcome for the time and effort."

Jay Abraham

Why Business Marketing?

“Marketing is one of the most important things a business can do. Not only does marketing build brand awareness but it can also increase sales, grow businesses and engage customers. There are so many core business functions that stem from a good marketing plan that any SMB would be silly not to give it a shot.“

Jenna Gross, CMO [Marketing Blog, Moving Targets]

Why is Marketing Important?

"You don't exist if no one can see you."

Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything

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Our Clients

"If you can't make it good at least make it look good"

- Bill Gates